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Terms Of Dust Collector Filter Bags

Views : 4649
Update time : 2016-05-24 10:42:15

Terms Of Dust Collector Filter Bags

Whoever you are dust collector filter bag seller or dust collector filter bag buyer, if you are doing business of dust collector filter bags, it is necessary to know more detailed knowledge of dust collector filter bags. As filtration specialist, Shanghai Indro team is introducing you terms of dust collector filter bags here:

1.    Gas flow rate(Filtering speed): is also called Air-to-cloth rate. It means the filtration speed of gas goes through the dust collector filter bag, or shows the air flow per unit of filtering surface of dust collector filter bags. Its unit is m/min.

2.    Compartment: it means the unit where numbers of dust collector filter bags are arranged regularly. One set of dust collector bag housing includes of several compartments. The different compartments are separated by panel. Every compartment is one part of dust collector bag housing.

3.    Total filtration area: It means the sum of all compartments filtration area in one unit of dust collector bag filter housing. Its unit is m2.

4.    Single compartment filtration area: It means the total filtration area of all dust collector bag in one compartment. Its unit is m2.

5.    Low pressure rotating pulse jet blowing: It means the dust cleaning type of dust collector filter bags. The air flow with lower pressure do dust cleaning of dust collector filter bags at the moments of there are certain pressure comes out of blowing hole at the rotating blowing arm.

6.    Pressure of pulse jetting: It means the set compressed air pressure in the air pocket connecting with pulse jet valve before the pulse jet valve working. Its unit is Kpa.

7.    Pulse width: also called pulse length. It means continuous time of getting through.

8.    Pulse interval: it means the time interval of pulse jet valve which is sequential working. Its unit is s.

9.    On line dust cleaning: it means the type of dust cleaning during filtration gas.

10.  Off line dust cleaning: It means do dust cleaning when stop filtration gas. For this kind of dust cleaning, the dust collector bag housing needs to be with structure of compartments and separation of gas in compartments.

11.  Pressure drop of dust collector filter bag: It means the resistance come out of dust collector filter bag and dust layer when filtration of gas. Its unit is Pa.


Whoever you are dust collector filter bag seller or dust collector filter bag buyer, if you are doing business of dust collector filter bags, it is necessary to know more detailed knowledge of dust collector filter bags as above. Hope it helps you someway.


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