dust collector filter bags size/baghouse filter bags size selection
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Size selection of dust collector and baghouse filter bags

Views : 4820
Update time : 2018-01-07 10:46:28

Today, SIIC team from Shanghai Indro introduce you how to select dust collector and bag house filter bags size correctly.

The size of dust collector and bag house filter bags directly affects the dust removal efficiency of the bag filter, so a lot of factors should be taken into account to determine the size of the dust collection filter bags.

1, length of dust collector and bag house filter bags

2, diameter of dust collector and bag house filter bags, for common pulse jet bag house, the filter bag diameter are from 120mm to 152mm.

3, in condition of treated air flow, filtration speed and filter bags diameters are same, the increase of dust collector and bag house filter bags can increase the filtration area of each filter bag, and reduce the requested quantity of dust filter bags and reduce the area.

4, when dust is cleaned on line, the longer the dust collector and bag house filter bags, the greater possibility that the dust from the dusting bag is re sorted to the dust collector and bag house filter bags. If cleaning air ash off line, the longer the dust filter bag is, the time to suspend after the dust clearing is also extended, the slower the filtration in the cleaning room will be restored.

5, when determining and confirming the size of the dust collector and bag house filter bag, we should take into account the requirements of the filter air volume and the equipment cleaning method, and also take into account the actual conditions of the field conditions.