What is the cell plate hole of dust collector filter bags?
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What is the cell plate hole of dust collector filter bags?

Views : 6035
Update time : 2016-04-27 20:16:33

When make dust collector filter bags, the cell plate hole diameter is one of import parameters, like bag diameter, it will affect if the bags can work or not..

Then, what is cell plate hole?

For pulse set bag filter system, stainless steel sheet, dust collector filter bags and filter cage are main parts of the filter system.

The stainless steel sheet is used as load bearing part. There are many holes with same diameter on the stainless steel sheet.

The bags shall be installed onto the sheet.

There is one groove on the snap band top of filter bags, when install the bags, the bags are locked with groove.. after install the bags, then install the cage into the bags.


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