Polyester/polypropylene industrial liquid filter bag from manufacturer and factory
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Polyester/polypropylene industrial liquid filter bag from manufacturer and factory

Views : 3254
Update time : 2017-06-05 12:00:00

What is polyester/polypropylene industrial filter bag?

Shanghai Indro Industry Co., Ltd is one liquid filter bag manufacturer.

Industrial filter bags include liquid filter bag and dust collector filter bag. Liquid filter bag is the filter bag used for solid liquid separation.

Polyester/polypropylene industrial filter bag are two standard felt liquid filter bags.

About Polyester industrial filter bag:

Working temperature: 130-150 degree C

Polyester industrial filter bag is short for PE felt filter bag.

Micron rating: 1-300micron

Chemical resistance: normal

About polypropylene industrial filter bag:

Working temperature: 90-110 degree C

Polypropylene industrial filter bag is short for PP felt filter bag.

Micron rating:1-300 micron

Chemical resistance: better

As one liquid filter bag factory, Shanghai Indro is making both polyester and polypropylene filter bags with good quality and reliable prices.

Size of Polyester/polypropylene industrial liquid filter bag:

Standard Size: 1#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 5#, other size.

Structure of Polyester/polypropylene industrial liquid filter bag:

Sewn/stitched/welded bag body+ plastic ring/Metal ring/drawstring/raw top.