Can we solve the two major problems of atmospheric control by adjusting the energy structure?
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Can we solve the two major problems of atmospheric control by adjusting the energy structure?

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Update time : 2020-01-02 15:19:13
Can we solve the two major problems of atmospheric control by adjusting the energy structure?
Recently, the Ministry of ecological environment said that China's air quality has been stable and improving. Among them, the air pollution control in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has achieved remarkable results, but the pollution problems in Central China, Southwest China and other regions have become increasingly prominent.
As we all know, the air pollution is regional, complex and long-term. In addition, it is in autumn and winter. Under the influence of heating and climate factors, the situation of air pollution control is more serious.
With the continuous promotion of air pollution control, one of the measures is to adjust the energy structure. What is the relationship between air pollution control and energy? At the same time of prevention and control of air pollution, China is also faced with the task of coping with climate change, that is, carbon emission reduction, so we should start from two aspects, one is heating and electricity consumption, the other is vehicle exhaust treatment.
The main energy source of our country is coal. In our life, whether it is heating in winter or daily power generation, the main way is using coal. Data shows that in industrial production, the emissions of soot, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide from coal-fired boilers account for 33%, 27% and 10% of the total emissions of the country respectively. By contrast, most of the civil coal is low-quality coal with high ash and sulfur content. After combustion, SO2, Co, PM10 and PM2.5 are directly discharged, and the pollutant concentration is 5-10 times that of the coal-fired power generation.
Especially for the civil coal-fired heating in the northern region, we encourage the use of "coal to gas", "coal to electricity", central heating, geothermal energy, biomass energy and air source heat pump to replace the clean way of bulk coal heating. According to the head of the atmospheric environment department of the Ministry of ecological environment, in addition to the users of bulk coal renovation expected to be completed in the heating season this year, the number has reached about 17 million.
Since the implementation of clean heating, up to now, the consumption of bulk coal in 15 provinces in the northern region has declined significantly, reducing 780000 tons of sulfur dioxide, 380000 tons of nitrogen oxide, 140000 tons of volatile organic compounds and 1.53 million tons of particulate matter.
Mobile source pollution such as motor vehicles has become an important source of air pollution in China. According to the report, in 2018, carbon monoxide (CO) of 30.894 million tons, hydrocarbons (HC) 3.688 million tons, nitrogen oxides (NOx) 5.629 million tons, particulate matter (PM) 442000 tons, and motor vehicles are also a large emission source of VOCs, which has attracted the attention of China and other places.
In terms of vehicle exhaust pollution control, China plans to monitor and control vehicle oil road. The promotion of clean energy is to start from the source of "vehicle" and use new energy vehicles instead of fuel vehicles.
According to the data released by China Automobile Association, from January to October 2019, the market penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China is 4.59%, among which taxis and buses in Beijing, Wuhan and other cities have been replaced by new energy vehicles. According to the Ministry of transport, the number of new energy buses in China has exceeded 340000, accounting for more than 50%.
In addition to buses, taxis and other vehicles have been replaced by new energy vehicles. At present, more than 900000 vehicles have been popularized, and more than 3 million tons of pollution are reduced every year. By 2020, China plans to realize public transport electrification in more than 30 cities.
Generally speaking, the air quality of our country has been improved obviously. In November 2019, under the condition of heavy pollution weather, the average excellent days ratio of 337 cities at prefecture level and above is 85.4%, up 3 percentage points year on year, and the PM2.5 concentration is 41 μ g / m3, down 8.9% year on year.
In this case, the Ministry of ecology and environment said that it would continue to guide all localities in the precise, scientific and legal treatment of pollution, so as to ensure the successful completion of all objectives of the blue sky defense war.